Story block variation 1

Used on the homepage. Version of c-story-block with c-story-block--stack-from-bp-m used to display trending stories. This is simplified in that it only displays headline and image.

No specific class used here. See code view for details.
<article class="c-story-block c-story-block--stack-from-bp-m" style="max-width:200px">
  <div class="c-story-block__text">
    <!-- headline (h# tag will depend on context) -->
    <h3 class="t-size-s t-serif t-lh-s t-lsp-s t-links-underlined-hover has-xxxs-btm-marg"><a class="has-text-black-off"><a href="#">The best and worst moments in Texas politics of 2019</a></h3>
  <figure class="c-story-block__image-wrap l-display-block l-width-full">
    <a href="#" tabindex="-1"><img class="l-display-block l-width-full" src="/queso-ui/img/DEFAULT_LEAD_ART.jpg" alt="Placeholder image of Texas Capitol dome and Texas Tribune branding"></a>

This class isn't referenced anywhere