Info drop

Uses <details> and <summary> tags to create an information dropdown component. This includes fallbacks for IE and Edge, which currently don't support those tags. Edge has marked implementation for those as high-priority. {{isWide}}

<aside class="c-info-drop">
  <details id="details-container" class="c-info-drop__inner has-bg-sponsor has-text-white">
    <summary id="details-trigger" aria-label="Toggle more information about paid posts"
      title="Toggle infomation about paid posts" class="has-bg-sponsor c-info-drop__trigger">
      <div class="l-container l-container--l c-info-drop__cta-wrap">
          class="c-info-drop__cta has-bg-sponsor t-align-center t-uppercase t-lsp-b t-size-xxs t-weight-bold has-text-white l-align-center-children">
          <span class="c-icon c-info-drop__icon t-size-s"><svg aria-hidden="true">
              <use xlink:href="#caret-down"></use>
          &nbsp;What is a paid post?
    <div class="c-info-drop__content has-bg-sponsor l-container l-container--l has-page-padding">
      <p class="t-size-xs">Paid posts allow sponsors to reach The Texas Tribune’s policy-minded audience through brand
        messaging in the form of written articles. The points of view expressed don’t reflect those of the Tribune and
        sponsors play no role in the Tribune’s editorial decisions. The Texas Tribune is the only member-supported,
        digital-first, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public
        politics, government and statewide issues. Learn more about <strong><a class="has-text-white" href="#">The
            Texas Tribune's mission</a></strong>.</p>

<!-- for demo only -->
<main class="c-info-drop__pushed has-bg-gray-light has-padding">
  <h2>Content below is pushed down.</h2>

<!-- Animation enhancements (optional) and Edge support -->
  (function () {
    var details = document.getElementById('details-container');
    var summary = document.getElementById('details-trigger');
    var DETAILS_HELPER_CLASS = 'js-details-is-';

    function supportsDetails() {
      if (!('open' in document.createElement('details'))) {
        return false;
      return true;

    function switchOpen() {
      var closed = DETAILS_HELPER_CLASS + 'closed';
      var open = DETAILS_HELPER_CLASS + 'open';

      // Toggle classes for animation
      if (document.body.classList.contains(open)) {
      } else {

      // Edge fallback
      if (!supportsDetails()) {
        if (details.getAttribute('open')) {
        } else {
          details.setAttribute('open', 'open');

    if (!supportsDetails()) {

    summary.addEventListener('click', switchOpen, false);

<!-- for demo only -->
<div class="js-details-is-open"></div>
<div class="js-details-is-closed"></div>
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